Why Choose Oaks Recovery Center in South Carolina
A primary feature of the Oaks Recovery Center is the peer-based recovery model that helps the men to overcome their chemical dependence. This serves to make the recovering client feel comfortable being at the center and seeking help. It is noteworthy that most of the addiction specialists at the center were once in the quagmire of addiction. Therefore, they offer help from a compassionate and understanding standpoint.
Another plus exists within the intensive recovery program they offer. These include group meetings and discussions as well as personalized coaching sessions that enable the recovering client to live a successful life after treatment at Oaks Recovery Center in South Carolina. The individual can choose to stay either long-term for up to four months or short-term which lasts about four weeks during the recovery program. Either way, every program is tailored to the needs of the client for optimum recovery.
Oaks Recovery Center in Greenwood, SC also provides a long-term vocational program, which seeks to help the client not only to attain sobriety but also to sustain it. They do this through workforce integration practices like resume writing, coaching for interviews, and assistance in job applications. The purpose of this is to help the men reclaim or start anew their professional lives, and ensure there are no rooms for relapse. It is important to note that all of these programs and practices are conducted in a stable and supportive environment. This translates to the client being able to fully recover in both body and mind within an atmosphere that supports healing and allows meaningful social bonds to develop.