Why Mountainside Treatment Center in Canaan, CT
A primary advantage of picking Mountainside Treatment Center in Canaan, Connecticut is the structure of the recovery plan offered. The first step is detox. Mountainside Detox helps clients abstain from substance misuse as they rid their bodies of toxins resultant from chemical dependence. Through the detox process, recovery specialists aid individuals, offering round-the-clock, individualized support while monitoring for withdrawal symptoms. The rate of customer satisfaction with Mountainside Detox Is at 99%, achieving a full leap to recovery for the majority of clients. Recovering individuals also learn positive skills to cope with stress and manage triggers that lead to substance abuse, and to prevent relapse. Clients who are unable to completely detach from a demanding professional or personal life have the option of a luxury detox suite. This will allow them to function as normal with the added factor of confidentiality even as they undergo treatment.
Another reason to consider Mountainside Treatment Center in Canaan, CT is the residential program provided. Recovering individuals undergo the 12-step program comprising therapies and counseling sessions administered by a team of recovery highly-trained specialists. The family wellness program is targeted at the family members and loved ones of the recovering individual. It aims at helping them heal from the negative impact and strain on relationships placed by the addiction through counseling and therapy.
As clients progress through treatment, they move from the residential program to the extended care program. This consists of the sober community living with peers, outpatient program, the work program, and the fun and adventures program to ensure a wholesome time in recovery. The alumni program at Mountainside Treatment Center serves to enforce sobriety gained after treatment. Through services such as the peer support group meetings and various volunteering opportunities, recovered individuals can maintain healthy, fun, and sober lives.