About Us
Published: 05/09/2020
Our primary purpose is to help men, women, and families find appropriate addiction treatment options that are reputable, solution-focused, and evidence-based. We’ve achieved this by creating this website, a comprehensive addiction treatment directory and resource site that lists the best drug and alcohol rehab programs throughout the country. Our rehab finder offers those suffering from substance use disorders an opportunity to quickly find a treatment program in their geographical area that offers the right level of care suited for each unique situation.
Our Team
Chief Editor
Sonia Blumberg, BA
Sonia graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree from Arizona State University Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and is attending an effective writing in healthcare certification program at Harvard Medical School. Sonia is an avid journalist, copywriter, reporter, who also has passion for poetry and digital marketing. She is a columnist for online publications who has written short stories and covered news events over the years.
A native of California, Cayla received her Bachelor’s Degree in Playwriting from UCLA. She enjoys the outdoors and has a passion for helping those affected by addiction. She is a columnist for a regional weekly newspaper and online publication with countless published articles and writings.
Most frequent questions and answers
What facilities are listed in our directory?
We will list any rehab facility that treats substance abuse as long as it has the proper certifications to operate legally. We do not accept any payment for listings.
Am I obligated to call your number on the website?
Absolutely not! We want to provide you with the easiest way to geographically connect you with the treatment center you’re searching for. Our general helpline number is there for the individual who wishes to talk to someone immediately.
What other numbers can I call other than the helpline?
All phone numbers of all facilities are clearly marked on each directory page and are main contact to each respective facility.
Can I leave a review for a treatment facility?
Yes, you can leave a review with a star rating on the page for any facility listed on our website. The review box is on the bottom of the directory pages.
If I am a treatment provider, can I advertise on your website?
No, we do not accept sponsored listing requests.